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NBA Fans React To What Anthony Davis Said After Mavericks Loss

(Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images) All eyes were on Anthony Davis following the heartbreaking loss of the Los Angeles Lakers on Friday night. Sadly, Davis... NBA fans reacted to Anthony Davis' statement following the loss of the Los Angeles Lakers to the Lakers on Friday night. Davis apologized to the team and expressed his disappointment at the loss, but many were critical of him and didn't have high hopes for him during the next game against the Orlando Magic on Sunday. Some people were even harsher with their words, saying that Shaquille O'Neal was correct when he suggested that Davis has fallen off recently and isn't performing like he used to. Davis received high praise and harsh jeers from night to night, but it is time to see how he and his team bounce back from such a bad loss.

NBA Fans React To What Anthony Davis Said After Mavericks Loss

Pubblicato : un anno fa di spadmin in Sports

All eyes were on Anthony Davis following the heartbreaking loss of the Los Angeles Lakers on Friday night.

Sadly, Davis was a huge part of the painful final moments of the game and there were many saying that his bad decisions cost his team the win.

Anyone hoping for confident words of encouragement and a stirring speech from Davis after the game was surely disappointed, as he didn’t say much and was rather quiet.

He did take the blame for the loss, said that he apologized to the team, and seemed adamant about watching film from the loss and moving on.

“It’s tough all across the board,” Davis said to Spectrum SportsNet in the locker room.

As with everything that Davis does, NBA fans were quick to react to his statement following the game.

Some people were very critical of Davis and didn’t have high hopes for him during the next game against the Orlando Magic on Sunday.

George Fedelino said “for sure he will skip the game on Sunday, its just orlando magic like houston rockets,” referencing a recent surprising defeat by the Houston Rockets.

Others were even harsher with their words, saying that Shaquille O’Neal was correct when he suggested that Davis has fallen off recently and isn’t performing like he used to.

“Shaq was right AD has officially fell off only 14 shot attempts in a must win game and he sold with leaving his man wide open and fouling him smh,” said Rayan Booyah.

Although most of the responses were negative, there were some people rooting Davis on.

SuperLakeFAN said that Davis had “phenomenal body language” and called him a “TRUE LEADER..The one that gets the troops ready for WAR…”

And finally, one Lakers fan said that “everyone wants to sing to the highest mountains about AD and a few days later, they want to tear him apart and ship him to Istanbul.”

It is very true that Davis receives high praise followed by harsh jeers from night to night.

That is the price of being such a high-caliber and well-regarded NBA star.

Now it’s time to see how he and his team bounce back from such a bad loss.

Their Sunday night game against the Orlando Magic will say a lot about Davis and his leadership.


Lakers Coach Has Honest Admission After Mavericks Loss

Temi: Basketball, Sports Figures, NBA, Anthony Davis, Dallas Mavericks

Read at original source