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NASA helps North Texas students with learning differences learn about the solar eclipse

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Neurodiversity Network tapped Dallas Academy and the Shelton School and Evaluation Center to pilot a solar... The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Neurodiversity Network (N3) has partnered with Dallas Academy and the Shelton School and Evaluation Center in North Texas to pilot a solar science curriculum specifically for students with learning differences. The curriculum was developed by the Education Development Center, a nonprofit that focuses on youth workforce development, early childhood development and learning, as well as suicide prevention. It was developed in collaboration with NASA educators at Sonoma State University, education experts from the New York Hall of Science, and other groups, N3 developed curricula that delves into rockets and astronomy. Students learn about sunspots, solar flares and magnetic fields, and are tested to find what works best for students and teachers. The materials and guides are free to download and use in class or at home.

NASA helps North Texas students with learning differences learn about the solar eclipse

Được phát hành : 3 tháng trước qua Valeria Olivares trong Science

Editor’s note: This story is part of The Dallas Morning News’ coverage of the 2024 total solar eclipse. For more, visit

Seven students matched illustrations of the phases of an eclipse with their description before placing them in order as they rushed from one station to the next at Dallas Academy on Tuesday.

After the relay, high school math and science teacher Jocelyn Scott instructed the freshmen and sophomore students to prepare a short presentation on what they had learned, already knew or didn’t know about the celestial phenomenon.

One exclaimed how the moon is 400 times smaller than the sun. Another brought up one of Albert Einstein’s theories, wondering how the relationship between space and time comes into play during an eclipse. “Like in ‘Interstellar?’” his deskmate interjected.

The hands-on activities are part of Scott’s lessons ahead of Monday’s total solar eclipse, for which most of the Dallas-Fort Worth area is in the path of totality, or total darkness.

Recognizing the area’s positioning on the eclipse’s path, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Neurodiversity Network tapped Dallas Academy and the Shelton School and Evaluation Center to pilot a solar science curriculum built especially for students with learning differences.

“All students need to experience things to truly understand them,” Dallas Academy Principal Mandi Skerbetz said. “Students with learning differences need that even more.”

Dallas Academy and Shelton both solely serve students with such differences, including those with dyslexia, dysgraphia or ADHD.

NASA’s Neurodiversity Network, or N3, aims to establish “a pathway to NASA participation and STEM employment for neurodiverse learners, with a focus on those on the autism spectrum,” according to its website.

N3 was developed by the Education Development Center, a nonprofit that focuses on youth workforce development, early childhood development and learning, as well as suicide prevention.

In collaboration with NASA educators at Sonoma State University and education experts from the New York Hall of Science, among other groups, the program developed curricula that delves into rockets and astronomy.

N3 started developing a curriculum on solar science last year in preparation for this month’s eclipse, said Ariana Riccio, a research scientist at the Education Development Center.

Dallas Academy and Shelton are testing the lessons and activities to see what works best for students and teachers.

The curriculum centers around different “mysteries” that happen in the atmosphere and to Earth because of how powerful the sun is, Riccio said. Students learn about sunspots, solar flares and magnetic fields, for example.

It “walks you through how we observe the sun, the types of data we have to understand how the sun affects Earth and … how the sun affects electricity, power, magnetic fields, satellites,” Riccio noted.

The materials and guides are free, meaning anyone can access and download their content to use in a class or at home.

The group made sure to include different ways students can interact with the materials to help them absorb the information. For example, videos, visual guides and activities offer a variety of visual, auditory and kinesthetic opportunities for students to learn about the eclipse in a way that best works for them.

Such hands-on activities “help draw a connection between real life and the science topics we’re hoping to teach,” Riccio said.

Educators at Dallas Academy and Shelton already employ multisensory learning, which the schools’ leaders say helps students better process information and keeps them engaged.

Scott and other teachers at Shelton received training on the solar science materials and activities, but the group was encouraged to adapt them as they see fit for classes.

Monday will be a half-day for Dallas Academy students. Ahead of the eclipse, those in Scott’s class will build a sunspotter out of a shoebox to take home and view the eclipse with their families.

She said she hopes the partnership with NASA helps students understand “that they can do whatever they want to do,” such as pursuing a career in science.

At Shelton, physics and neuroscience teacher Samantha Cason said the curriculum helped students and educators get “really hyped up for the eclipse.”

Shelton students learned about the differences between solar and lunar eclipses, the sun’s surface and the impact solar flares can have on Earth.

“I pride myself on being a huge science nerd,” she admitted. “Having a chance to share this excitement with my students [has] added more excitement for them.”

Despite all of the excitement surrounding the phenomenon, the National Weather Service in Fort Worth has predicted North Texas could be “cloudier than normal” on Monday.

Scott, the Dallas Academy teacher, said she won’t let the possibility of bad weather get in the way of her students’ excitement. After all, meteorologists have said there’s still a chance that areas in North Texas will get a partial view of the total solar eclipse.

“I really just want them to learn and have fun and realize this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance,” she said.

The DMN Education Lab deepens the coverage and conversation about urgent education issues critical to the future of North Texas.

The DMN Education Lab is a community-funded journalism initiative, with support from Bobby and Lottye Lyle, Communities Foundation of Texas, The Dallas Foundation, Dallas Regional Chamber, Deedie Rose, Garrett and Cecilia Boone, The Meadows Foundation, The Murrell Foundation, Solutions Journalism Network, Southern Methodist University, Sydney Smith Hicks and the University of Texas at Dallas. The Dallas Morning News retains full editorial control of the Education Lab’s journalism.

Chủ đề: Space, NASA

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